what was consumerism in the 1950s

Predicated on debt, it took place in an economy mired in speculation and risky borrowing. Or, as retail analyst Victor Lebow remarked in 1955: Our enormously productive economy demands that we make consumption our way of life, that we convert the buying and use of goods into rituals, that we seek our spiritual satisfaction, our ego satisfaction, in consumption. We need things consumed, burned up, replaced and discarded at an ever-accelerating rate. ", Or, as retail analyst Victor Lebow remarked in 1955: "Our enormously productive economy demands that we make consumption our way of life, that we convert the buying and use of goods into rituals, that we seek our spiritual satisfaction, our ego satisfaction, in consumption. We need things consumed, burned up, replaced and discarded at an ever-accelerating rate.". Stuart Ewen, in his history of the public relations industry, saw the birth of commercial radio in 1921 as a vital tool in the great wave of debt-financed consumption in the 1920s a privately owned utility, pumping information and entertainment into peoples homes.. In researching his excellent history of the rise of PR, Ewen interviewed Bernays himself in 1990, not long before he turned 99. TV became the driving force for advertising. New needs would be created, with advertising brought into play to augment and accelerate the process. The stage was set for the democratization of luxury on a scale hitherto unimagined. In 1949, total TV billing from. A new wave of consumerism swept across much of the population of the United States during the 1950s. This was followed by a rapid proliferation of radios, vacuum cleaners, and refrigerators. In both eras, borrowed money bought unprecedented quantities of material goods on time payment and (these days) credit cards. African Americans were the first ones to be laid off. Marcuse suggested that this voluntary servitude (voluntary inasmuch as it is introjected into the individual) can be broken only through a political practice which reaches the roots of containment and contentment in the infrastructure of man [sic], a political practice of methodical disengagement from and refusal of the Establishment, aiming at a radical transvaluation of values.. Sandwiched between the war-ravaged 1940s and the explosive 1960s, the 1950s was a time of great growth and prosperity in many aspects. WANN, a white-owned radio station in Annapolis, Maryland, cultivated African American consumers and demonstrated their buying power by connecting their audience to retailers and manufacturers who hoped to expand sales. Consumer Spending, 1950-1960. Print advertisements allowed the consumer to read the ad more than once, and so it could include more specific details on the product than a television or radio advertisement (Young 39). The average price of TV sets dropped from about $500 in 1949 to $200 in 1953. Credit: Frank Martin/ Getty Images She begins her argument by stating some reasons why the nostalgia for the 1950s exists. Consumerism is defined as "the buying and using of goods and services; the belief that it is good for a society or an individual person to buy and use a large quantity of goods and services" (Oxford Dictionary, 2022), with American . In 1955, he opened KCOR-TV, expanding his broadcasting business and community-centered media vision to television. Bernayss views, like those of several other analysts of the crowd and the herd instinct, were a product of the panic created among the elite classes by the early 20th-century transition from the limited franchise of propertied men to universal suffrage. But business did not support such a trajectory, and it was not until the Great Depression that hours were reduced, in response to overwhelming levels of unemployment. Consumerism in the 1950s Following the conclusion of World War II, the American economy experienced an incredible economic boom incomparable to most other stimuli of this nature. throwaway. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for AMERICAN CARS OF THE 1950S By Auto Editors Of Consumer Guide - Hardcover **NEW** at the best online prices at eBay! The opening page of Propaganda discloses his solution: The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. For those who do not know exactly what happened in the Great Depression and just figure it was a time of famine and unemployment and wasn 't thought of as a big deal, but it sure was. examples of traditional American TV. People would be encouraged to give up thrift and husbandry, to value goods over free time. By 1950s, the aftermath of World War II had faded away. A steady-state economy capable of meeting the basic needs of all, foreshadowed by philosopher and political economist John Stuart Mill as the stationary state, seemed well within reach and, in Mills words, likely to be an improvement on "the trampling, crushing, elbowing and treading on each others heels the disagreeable symptoms of one of the phases of industrial progress". Birds of a Feather Shop Together: Conspicuous Consumption and the Imaging of the 1980's Essex Girl Rachel Rye 4. Entertainment. In fact, the American consumer was praised as a patriotic citizen in the 1950s,. . People would be encouraged to give up thrift and husbandry, to value goods over free time. U.S. production was more than 12 times greater in 1920 than in 1860, while the population over the same period had increased by only a factor of three, suggesting just how much additional wealth was theoretically available. The 1920s bonanza collapsed suddenly and catastrophically. US consumer credit rose to $7 billion in the 1920s,. Additionally, disagreements and rebellions. There are two simple reasons why. "America at this moment," said the former British Prime. If it continues its geometric course, will it not one day have to be restrained? As the popular historian of the time Frederick Allen wrote, Business had learned as never before the importance of the ultimate consumer. Since the 1980s she has taken on many new careers, from police officer to paleontologist to presidential candidate. 1950s American culture was characterized by a boom in consumerism, which bolstered the economy and left cultural impacts as well. Post World War I, the era marked the beginning of modern times with new and worthy developments. Consumerism increased after World War II, when the nation stopped prioritizing the military needs, consumer goods became popular as Americans established lives. Release from the perils of famine and premature starvation was in place for most people in the industrialized world soon after the Great War ended. Television and radio super-charged advertising, directly into people's homes (Credit: Getty Images). In the 1920s, the target consumer market to be nourished lay at home in the industrialized world. The United States had appeared to be dominated by consensus and conformity in the 1950s. Over the course of the 20th Century, capitalism moulded the ordinary person into a consumer. In the 1950s, consumers made television the centerpiece of the home, fueling competition among broadcasters. Although the shorter workweek appealed to Kelloggs workers, the company, after reverting to longer hours during WWII, was reluctant to renew the six-hour shift in 1945. In these circumstances, there was a social choice to be made. The 1950s was an important year for fashion and for African Americans. 2. In a 1929 article called Keep the Consumer Dissatisfied, he stated that there is no place anyone can sit and rest in an industrial situation. Notions of meeting everyones needs with an adequate level of production did not feature. 1950s Important News and Events, Key Technology Fashion and Popular Culture. However, by the, Automobiles allowed for travelling and the transporting of goods to be easily accomplished. For instance, young people, watching their friends and family drafted into the Vietnam War, began to question traditional society and the government. The Consumer Era, 1940s-1970s Postcard of Eichler home, 1950s During the Consumer Era, production boomed and consumerism shaped the American marketplace, which spread from cities to suburbs. In fact, the American consumer was praised as a patriotic citizen in the 1950s, contributing to the ultimate success of the American way of life. Technological advancements led to economies of scale; these favored wealthier. 771 Words4 Pages. As Daily Life in 1950s America puts it, "along with rising incomes, easy credit, and fear of being left behind with outmoded products, aggressive marketing in the form of slick advertising campaigns fed the culture of consumerism." While some items found in the average home are still the standard to this day, other fads were just plain bizarre . In both eras, borrowed money bought unprecedented quantities of material goods on time payment and (these days) credit cards. At the same time he was well aware of the role of advertising: Goods are plentiful. Madison Avenue was $12.3m, in 1950, $40.8m, and in 1951, $128m. In a 1929 article called "Keep the Consumer Dissatisfied", he stated that "there is no place anyone can sit and rest in an industrial situation. Consumer needs were constantly changing due to wars, shifts in the economy, advancements in technology and various other factors. The fifties was a period of civil rights groups, feminism, and change. In the same vein, during the Q&A after a talk given by the Australian economist Clive Hamilton at the 2006 Byron Bay Writers Festival, one woman spoke up about her partners priorities: Rather than entertain questions about any impact his possessions might be having on the environment, she said, he was determined to go down with his gadgets., The capitalist system, dependent on a logic of never-ending growth from its earliest inception, confronted the plenty it created in its home states, especially the United States, as a threat to its very existence. Consumer News More Consumer News. The American home was at the center of post-war stability. As the economic engine slowed in the 1970s, productivity waned, wages flattened, and Americans faced an energy crisis that reshaped consumer expectations. In 2008, a similar unravelling began; its implications still remain unknown. Men were back home and ready to work and women were back to doing their womanly duties again (cooking and cleaning) this reflected the social position of the women following the war. The front-line thinkers of the emerging advertising and public relations industries turned to the key insights of Sigmund Freud, Bernayss uncle. She is the author of Collision Course: Endless Growth on a Finite Planet, from which this article is adapted. Though it is status that is being sold, it is endless material objects that are being consumed. This department store took window shopping to a new level with a machine called the "Tell-it-to." Victor Cutter, president of the United Fruit Company, exemplified the concern when he wrote in 1927 that the greatest economic problem of the day was the lack of "consuming power" in relation to the prodigious powers of production. 2/10/2003 The rise of American consumerism has not come without hits to the social, political, and cultural landscape. During the 1950s, the automobile industry saw growth and change, particularly in its design departments. Consumerism In The 1950's Essay. Racism was also a huge factor that seems to be hid by the appearance of the 1950s. It was an idea also put forward by the new "consumption economists" such as Hazel Kyrk and Theresa McMahon, and eagerly embraced by many business leaders. There, especially in the US, consumption continued to expand through the 1920s, though truncated by the Great Depression of 1929. Release from the perils of famine and premature starvation was in place for most people in the industrialised world soon after WWI ended. Edward Cowdrick, an economist who advised corporations on their management and industrial relations policies, called it "the new economic gospel of consumption", in which workers (people for whom durable possessions had rarely been a possibility) could be educated in the new "skills of consumption". Harlem Renaissance Dbq 928 Words | 4 Pages For instance, the development of the suburbs. She is the author of "Collision Course: Endless Growth on a Finite Planet," from which this article is adapted. It would not do if people were content because they felt they had enough. Innovations in technology, expansion of white-collar jobs, more credit, and new groups of consumers fueled prosperity. In accordance with Rule 1950.122.6 of the CRMLA (Cal. The fifties was a period of civil rights groups, feminism, and change. The Czech writers darkly humorous novel, published in 1936, anticipated our current reality with eerie accuracy. Men were back home and ready to work and women were back to doing their womanly duties again (cooking and cleaning) this reflected the social position of the women following the war. So, the stereotypical nuclear family of the 1950s consisted of an economically stable family made up of a father, mother, and two or three children. The prospect of ever-extendable consumer desire, characterized as progress, promised a new way forward for modern manufacture, a means to perpetuate economic growth. During the 1950s, the federal government started to close in on cigarette . In the United States, existing shops were rapidly extended through the 1890s, mail-order shopping surged, and the new century saw massive multistory department stores covering millions of acres of selling space. Ewen found Bernays, a key pioneer of the new PR profession, to be just as candid about his underlying motivations as he had been in 1928 when he wrote Propaganda: Throughout our conversation, Bernays conveyed his hallucination of democracy: A highly educated class of opinion-molding tacticians is continuously at work adjusting the mental scenery from which the public mind, with its limited intellect, derives its opinions. Throughout the interview, he described PR as a response to a transhistoric concern: the requirement, for those people in power, to shape the attitudes of the general population. The notion of human beings as consumers first took shape before World War I, but became commonplace in America in the 1920s. They were regular consumers of food, music, and of course - TV. Yet in the literature of the resource problem this is the forbidden question. 8 Silk Pillowcases for Your Best Beauty Sleep. . By 1951, regular TV programming reached the West Coast, establishing national coverage. U.S. consumer credit rose to $7 billion in the 1920s, with banks engaged in reckless lending of all kinds. A national conversation about television and the common good fostered public broadcasting. In context of the United States, the year 1950 was a revolutionary period. In the 1950s, the greater geographic diversity in designers meant more styles from which to choose. Unlike most dolls at the time, Barbie was a grown-upa teenage fashion model who could date, drive, and wear fabulous clothes. If you liked this story,sign up for the weekly bbc.com features newsletter, called The Essential List. This was particularly true of women. She acknowledges that this fallacy is not insane. "Many of the products they are trying to sell have, in the past, been confined to a 'quality market'. Manufacturers in the automobile industry, would make small changes to every years model. Although inflation has shown signs of peaking . She bases her information on facts and historical evidence. Ad agencies and broadcasters wrestled for control of advertising time and programming on television. Indeed, though a lot less in gross terms than the burden of debt in the United States in late 2008, which Sydney economist Steve Keen has described as the biggest load of unsuccessful gambling in history, the debt of the 1920s was very large, over 200 percent of the GDP of the time. Watch on. In this era of staid gray flannel suits, advertisers developed motivational research, grappled with television, and cooperated with government to promote American enterprise. On every side of American life, whether political, industrial, social, religious or scientific, the increasing pressure of public judgment has made itself felt, Bernays wrote. This new burst in debt-financed consumerism was, again, incited intentionally. That is when everything started to come into shape. Consumerism is the theory that increased consumption of goods is beneficial for the economy. This decade became a major influential time that brought many cultural and societal changes. The rise of consumerism in the 1950s gave a new meaning to the concept of the American Dream. One of the most popular products in the 1950s was the TV. Surely this is the ultimate source of the problem. While it was a lot less in gross terms than the burden of debt in the US in late 2008, the debt of the 1920s was very large, over 200% of the GDP of the time. While the decades were similar in heightened . Kellogg, however, gradually overcame the resistance of its workers and whittled away at the short shifts until the last of them were abolished in 1985. During the 1950's and 1960's standards of living were boosted by full employment and a sustained rise in money wages. Electrification was crucial for the consumption of the new types of durable items, and the fraction of US households with electricity connected nearly doubled between 1921 and 1929, from 35 to 68%. In a little-known 1958 essay reflecting on the conservation implications of the conspicuously wasteful U.S. consumer binge after World War II, John Kenneth Galbraith pointed to the possibility that this gargantuan and growing appetite might need to be curtailed. Read about our approach to external linking. "Surely this is the ultimate source of the problem. It replaced the radio as a family's primary source of entertainment and information. It opened the realm of recreation and mass communication. Families had 30% more spending power in 1959 compared to 1950 figures. As television grew, Americans worried about its effect on children. Washington, D.C. Email powered by MailChimp (Privacy Policy & Terms of Use), African American History Curatorial Collective. While some of the youth became politically active, others escaped into the counterculture disbanding their faith in government and the ideals, In her essay, What We Really Miss About the 1950s, Stephany Coontz talks about the myth of the 1950s. Bernays and his colleagues were anxious to offer their services to corporations and were instrumental in founding an entire industry that has since operated along these lines, selling not only corporate commodities but also opinions on a great range of social, political, economic, and environmental issues. 3. During the 1950s, a sense of uniformity pervaded American society. On the other hand, issues arose during that time as well, such as the fear of communism. To Galbraith, who had just published "The Affluent Society", the wastefulness he observed seemed foolhardy, but he was pessimistic about curtailment. Consumption is now frequently seen as our principal role in the world. such as the early civil rights movement's demand for access to public accommodations in the 1940s and 1950s and the consumer and environmental movements of the 1960s and 1970s . In 1959 the Mattel toy company introduced Barbie. The 1950's was the decade of change. In 1960, more than 70 percent of families still looked much like the family of the 1950s, with a man who brought in the family 's sole income, children and a stay-at-home wife and mother. In the United States in particular, economic growth had succeeded in providing basic security to the great majority of an entire population. Though the television sets that carried the advertising into peoples homes after World War II were new, and were far more powerful vehicles of persuasion than radio had been, the theory and methods were the same perfected in the 1920s by PR experts like Bernays. Consumerism in the 1950s Susan Nacey 2. Each decade had its own unique style of advertising, but one period of time really stands in stark contrast to what we're accustomed to today. Due to high levels of industrial outs, wages were also increased. Furness was an example of the growing power of TV in terms of consumerism. Magazines in mid-century became vehicles for dissemination of consumerist attitudes and the promotion of group and professional . Charles Kettering, general director of General Motors Research Laboratories, equated such perpetual change with progress. Even if a shorter working day became an acceptable strategy during the Great Depression, the economic systems orientation toward profit and its bias toward growth made such a trajectory unpalatable to most captains of industry and the economists who theorized their successes. The historian Benjamin Hunnicutt, who examined the mainstream press of the 1920s, along with the publications of corporations, business organisations, and government inquiries, found extensive evidence that such fears were widespread in business circles during the 1920s. Working in the 1950's, however, was prohibited and deplorable because that meant you were not cooperating with the American system. If it continues its geometric course, will it not one day have to be restrained? A handpicked selection of stories fromBBC Future,Culture,Worklife, andTravel, delivered to your inbox every Friday. The capitalist system, dependent on a logic of never-ending growth from its earliest inception, confronted the plenty it created in its home states, especially the US, as a threat to its very existence. Since WWII caused the economy to grow rapidly, things started to change within American society. The 1950s ushered in an era of consumerism that has rolled on virtually unopposed to the present. Galbraith quotes the Presidents Materials Policy Commission setting out its premise that economic growth is sacrosanct. Constitution Avenue, NW In economics, industrial production levels led to an increase of goods and services. The twentieth century was a period of struggle in which the socialist countries, largely influenced by the former USSR, provided stiff competition to the united states, but Nevertheless, America has not been immune to pitfalls and struggle during its journey of success and it is by the dint of hard work, keen foresight and sharp business acumen Copyright 2023 IPL.org All rights reserved. United States Consumer Price Index (CPI) The annual inflation rate in the US slowed only slightly to 6.4% in January of 2023 from 6.5% in December, less than market forecasts of 6.2%. The consumer revolution that occurred in the 1920s gave Americans prosperous hope for the future of the United States of America. In a little-known 1958 essay reflecting on the conservation implications of the conspicuously wasteful US consumer binge after WWII, John Kenneth Galbraith pointed to the possibility that this "gargantuan and growing appetite" might need to be curtailed. It would be the most influential youth movement of any decade - a decade striking a dramatic gap between the youth and the generation before them. For instance, the Australian comedian Wendy Harmer in her ABC TV series called "Stuff" expressed irritation at suggestions that consumption is simply generated out of greed or lack of awareness: "I am very proud to have made a documentary about consumption that does not contain the usual footage of factory smokestacks, landfill tips and bulging supermarket trolleys. Wwii caused the economy to grow rapidly, things started to come into shape American Dream in. And discarded at an ever-accelerating rate. `` `` Collision course: growth! 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