new religious congregation in nigeria

Daily Champion (2009). Christianity in Yoruba area traditionally has been Protestant and Anglican, currently Protestant Pentecostal/evangelicals, whereas Igboland has always been the area of greatest activity by the Roman Catholic Church with current infusions of Protestantism. Above. [114], Pentecostals arrived mostly as indigenous workers in the post-independence period, and in the 1980s, Evangelical and Apostolic Pentecostalism were spreading rapidly throughout the south western and middle belt, having major success in hitherto Roman Catholic and Protestant towns of the south as well[citation needed]. Now he knew that the new congregation was indeed a work that God desired and he would persevere to see it established. The Congregation of Sons of Mary Mother of Mercy is an indigenous male Religious Congregation founded by Most Rev. What are the steps to take in curbing this nemesis? Lagos State Government Shuts Church' June 18th, 2009. [79] The Yoruba area contains a large Anglican population, while Igboland is mainly Anglican and Catholic and the Edo area is predominantly Assemblies of God, which was introduced into Nigeria by Augustus Asonye and his associates at Old Umuahia. About the Sons of Mary Mother of Mercy Congregation. Catholic-Hierarchy: Its Bishops and Dioceses, Current and Past Terumah, February 25, 2023 February 22, 2023. We are small but mighty and people call us the "most haimish shul in town." Bola Tinubu, of the All Progressives Congress, meets with supporters at the Party's campaign headquarters . Likewise, the bible says we should test all spirits, if we know God and have the spirit of God in us, we will not enter or worship in any of these money oriented churches that are spread all over the nation. Hence, they were not committed to missionary work. 2 Cor. Box 189 Most students (Christians) especially jobless graduated Bible College students see it as a license to plant/open a church after completion of the college without considering the necessity of God calling. Article 10 of the Constitution states that The Government of the Federation or of a State shall not adopt any religion as State Religion. [21] However, twelve Muslim-majority northern states have incorporated Sharia courts into their legal systems with the power and jurisdiction of these courts waxing and waning over the past two decades. Priests of St Patrick Society of Ireland were invited to assist in the formation program of the seminary. The Pew Forum in a 2010 report compared reports from several sources. The congregation continues to grow. It makes people to realize that Nigeria is very religious and that many Christian churches abound in the country (Adamolekun, 2012). Free shipping for many products! A Christian community in Nigeria's Plateau state has held its first service since being attacked by Fulani jihadists in July, International Christian Concern (ICC) reports. They provided much-needed ministry to speakers of various languages and developed the first Catholic institutions of higher learning for young men in Texas. It is sad and disheartening that the springing up of churches nowadays fails to stop or reduce moral decadence in the society which ought to be the major impact of churches in our society. Their name means "a mere man said it" referring to the narrators of the sayings of Muhammad. [66] Poverty has been seen as the major catalyst leading to the rapid increase in the membership of these religious extremist groups. For you to enter the kingdom of God, stop your evil ways immediately and this will reduce greatly the negative impact Church Proliferation has on this nation. Ahead of the election, voters cited insecurity as their main concern. Nigeria Newspoint (2015). The participants held discussions, among others, on credible ways to improve evangelization through inter-generational collaboration. There are also Ahmadiyya and Mahdiyya minorities. We, the Missionaries of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary, are a religious congregation of priests and brothers, dedicated to making known the love of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary in serving the needs of God's family. Our Sisters work in nine countries, and in 2006 we came to Nigeria. While traditional carnivals usually attracts tourists, fun seekers, and community people, it is also good to note that there are certain forbidden acts which prevent people from doing certain things, probably before and during the carnivals. Also the Watchman Catholic Charismatic Renewal Movement [91] was formed during this period with branches all over Nigeria. A Nigerian Islamic preacher, Abdulmutallab Mohammed Auwal, has charged Muslims to consider the All Progressives Congress (APC) and its Muslim/Muslim ticket as a call to Jihad. A significant Shia minority also exists (see Shia in Nigeria). Support Asia's largest network of Catholic journalists and editors. Washington D.C., Feb 27, 2023 / 17:28 pm (CNA). [12], Religion in Nigeria (CIA World Factbook estimate[1] based on 2018 survey data)[2], Religion in Nigeria (ARDA 2020 estimate)[3][4], Religion in Nigeria (Pew 2020 estimate)[5], Most Nigerian Christians are Protestant (broadly defined), though about a quarter are Catholic. This research work revealed that the wild fire springing up of churches in this country is not as a result of yielding to the commission given by God to human kind to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to all nations but lack of job, love of money, power and position, people taking corners to become general overseers of churches in other to acquire worldly materials at the expense of their congregation. Errico each year while on retreat. Help UCA News publish such great stories. [48][49] Shia Muslims make up between two and four million of Nigeria's population. No part of this publication may be reproduced without prior permission. Collapse of abandoned occupied building by churches due to the lack of space in the cities and urban areas: Churches occupy abandoned buildings around which can give way anytime and can cause injury or great calamity to the church or one of its congregation. The exposure to carbon monoxide by the people in the traffic jam can lead to Asthma, Bronchitis, Lung and Heart diseases and respiratory allergies. 60% agree that increase in bible colleges contributed immensely to the church proliferation in the nation while 18% say no and 22% indifferent (Table 17). [73][74][75] According to a 2011 Pew report, over 80 million Nigerians are Christians. The Church of Nigeria has about 17 million members. [29] The 1963 Nigerian census found that 47% of the population was Muslim, 34% Christian, and 18% other. The Evangelical Church Winning All (ECWA) in Jebbu Miango gathered Sunday to thank God for sparing their lives during the attack which displaced 5,000 people. These riots were caused by the migration of the rural poor into urban towns during the dry seasons. Catholic men's religious congregations ministering in the United States Congregations in bold: superior is a member of the Conference of Major Superiors of Men Others listed here are diocesan foundations (members do not take religious vows or a major superior does not reside in the United States) Header photo credit: Mr. Tinubu ran Lagos as governor for eight years, and then mentored his successors, giving him a reputation as a political godfather, able to ensure that some peoples careers took off while others sank. Key words: Church, church proliferation, springing up, impact, church planting, alarming rate, church growth, general overseer, business organization, livelihood, congregation, pentecostal, stomach pastors, evangelism. 5, 14) to be all things to all people (1 Cor. Why do we have many churches in Nigeria? Nigeria's peculiar means of determining president means. On the first day of. Feb. 28, 2023. Our centre is in Garam, Niger State. Email:, Rector: Rev. The rate at which churches are springing up in Nigeria is alarming, almost every street in the nation has at least two churches not counting (put in consideration) the rooms and parlous (sitting rooms) which are converted to churches as revealed by a study which collaborated the redeemed Christian church of God five minutes walkable distance church planting vision across the nation. Are the churches turned into profit making business venture? As shown in the Table 9, 94% of the respondents were members of at least one group in the church while 6% did not belong to any church group. The idea of this Movement was revealed to Sister Faustina in Vilnius in 1935 when the Lord Jesus ordered her to set up a new congregation. Anselm Umoren (2008 8 November 2011), later bishop, Victor Chike Onwukeme (12 September 2013 2019), This page was last edited on 23 February 2023, at 13:46. The reason why we are having four churches sharing the same plot of land with different names and three churches occupying a two-story building thereby leading to increase in the number of churches on a street is the major concern and focus of this study. Small missionary movements were allowed to start up, generally in the 1920s, after the middle belt was considered pacified. They are organizations of laity and/or clergy who take solemn vows (in contrast to the simple vows taken by the members of religious congregations) and who live a common life following a religious rule or constitution under the leadership of a religious superior. This has brought controversy due its discriminatory practices towards religious and sexual minorities. The sisters are blessed to serve ministries in Abuja, the capital of Nigeria, and in nearby Gwagwalada, and in Ichama, Benue State, and in more remote outstation areas. As with other areas in African continent, Roman Catholics and Anglicans each tended to establish areas of hegemony in southern Nigeria. Their projections predict Christians at that point will make up on 48% of the population and Muslims on 48.7%, both growing at the expense of ethnic religions, down to 2.9% of the population. Many of our sisters serve as spiritual directors and help people take time to reflect and see God working in their lives. Worldly materials: Many people even the so called Men of God want to ride a bullet proof jeep, to build castle all over the world, to have personal private jet, to own a treasury and to be in possessions of all the money in the Church and that is why according to Shionwu (2012) in an interview granted said some churches were calling their congregations customers and bury all sort of things including life cows in other to attract people which led to having fifteen churches on the same street bearing different names. Mr. Tinubu, a former governor of Lagos and the ruling party candidate, campaigned using the slogan Its my turn. He promised to address widespread insecurity and economic woes, but he faced concerns about his fitness for office. Estimates suggest 80-85 million Nigerians identify as Muslim (roughly 50% of the total population), of which the majority are probably Sunni (60 million), though this is not a unified identity and includes a wide variety of different viewpoints. [54] Most Nigerian Sufis follow the Qadiriyya, Tijaniyyah or Mouride movement. Secondly, there will be economic loss; some business appointment will not be met due to the hours spent in the traffic jam and also there is uncertainty and unreliability in every service of the vehicles. Personal commitment to one another in community life is strengthened by the sharing of a deep devotion to the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary and a living out of the charism of the religious congregation as made known by the Founder St. Gaetano Errico. Major congregations of the larger Anglican and Roman Catholic missions represented elite families of their respective areas, although each of these churches had members from all levels and many quite humble church buildings. Gaetano Errico was ordained a secular priest in Naples, Italy in 1815. The associating of adherents of the Grail Message creates the foundation and the outer setting for the holding of hours for the joint worship of God (Hours of Worship) and Grail Festivals. Fayomi MO (1993). Saint Justin also founded the Vocationist Sisters and Apostles of Universal Sanctification. Likewise it is a great source of solution to peoples problems. While religious conflict is not new in Nigeria's borders, in the 1980s, serious outbreaks of violence between Christians and Muslims, and between the latter and the government occurred, mainly in the North. Our Lady of Fatima Sisters (OLF) Gwada 3. Sci. They commonly preach peaceful co-existence and do not sympathize with Islamic extremism. Others deride Mr. Tinubu, the candidate of the governing All Progressives Congress party, as corruption personified and accuse him of looting state coffers as the governor of Lagos. [109], An increasing number of mission stations and mission bookstores, along with churches serving southern enclaves and northern Christians in the northern cities and larger towns, are found in the Muslim north. The New Nigerian Peoples Party (NNPP) got 1,496,687 valid votes whiles the fourteen other aspirants together got the remaining 666,298. Against this background, the Observatory of Religious Freedom in Africa has published a Report on Nigeria Violence (2019-2022) .It is a careful and thorough piece of work, giving a monthly breakdown of religiously based killings and abductions in this period as well as the factors contributing to the variation between months. March 1, 2023, at 8:22 a.m. Nigerian President-Elect Bola Tinubu Strikes Unified Tone. This will reduce the patronage of these fake miracle churches and force them to wind up in the nation. Other merits include rapid evangelization, development of new leadership, provision of check and balance to orthodox churches, promote specialization in ministry and enhance the provision of an atmosphere in which human problems are at times solved. On Mission Sunday, October 23, 1977, the seminary was opened on its temporary site in Iperu Remo. Commons Attribution License 4.0. As a subscriber, you have 10 gift articles to give each month. 72% of the respondents were workers in their church while 28% were just members (Table 8). 66% of the respondents confirmed that the crime rate in the nation increases as churches increases while just 16% disagreed and 18% cannot express their view (Table 26). [71] In the 17th century, attempts were again made to establish Christianity in the region through Roman Catholic missionaries. The Missionary Society of St Paul of Nigeria began as an idea in the mind of one man, its founder, Dominic Cardinal Ekandem (of blessed memory). Most of them live in Lagos, the former capital of Nigeria. It has been confirmed that Christian Associations have failed in their supervisory duties as supported by 54% of the respondents while 26% did not support and 20 % undecided. Like St Paul, the members are driven by the love of Christ (Cf. These sects have sometimes resorted to the use of violence in a bid to realizing their ambitions on the wider Islamic and Nigerian populations as a whole. [135] As in many parts of Africa, there is a great amount of stigma attached to being an atheist. They also help us see the struggles of Catholics to live out their faith. By this act, churches have been turning to business ventures with different names, missions, ideas and general overseers (GOs) without any positive impact on the country. The Conference of Major Superiors of Nigeria has appointed a new leadership team at its ongoing annual meeting in the West African nation. [55], The Ahmadiyya movement established itself in Nigeria in 1916,[57] and make up approximately 3% of the Muslim population. What is the impact of church proliferation on the people, religion and Nation as a whole? All major urban centers, all universities, and the new capital of Abuja had areas set aside for the major religions to build churches and mosques and for burial grounds. It can be argued that the actual intent behind their voyage was more in the interest of slave business, than it was for missionary goals and objectives. There are also about 380,000 New Apostolic Church parishes constituting about 6.5 million believers|New Apostolic Christians in Nigeria include: 1) The Redeemed Church, 4) Deeper Life Church, 5) Overcomers' Ministries and other new springs. New congregations remain under the jurisdiction of their local bishops until they are ready to seek pontifical status. National Renewal Centre (NRC) The proliferation has no positive impact or brings negative effect on the nation which makes people doubt if churches have not been turned into business ventures, and to the extent that the Government wants to place taxes on churches like other business companies in the nation which will confirm churches to be business organizations. The Society has held four other successful General Chapters in 2001, 2007, 2013 and 2019 and an extraordinary Chapter in 2008. ", "Nigeria Must Remain Neutral When It Comes To Religion", "Is it harder to "come out" as an atheist if you're black? The British wanted to procure certain products, such as oil and palm nuts, and to introduce cotton cultivation, and they built railroads through the country with local labor starting in 1893. Such features come to you for FREE, but it cost us to produce them. Notable examples are the Izala movement,[45][46] the Shia movement, and many local Islamic sects that have limited expansion. Adamolekun (2012) the resultant effect was the springing up of new churches out of the parent churches on basis of lack of divine healing, baptism of the Holy Spirit and other Pentecostal manifestation in parent churches. This means you are all aware of what will become of you at the end of the world if you do not desist from deceiving people. [68], During the 1980s, religious riots occurred in and around the five cities of Kano in 1980, Kaduna in 1982, Bulum-Ketu in 1982, Jimeta in 1984 and Gombe in 1985. Male respondents were 58% while 42% were female (Table 2). [81], From the 1990s to the 2000s, there was significant growth in Protestant churches, including the Redeemed Christian Church of God,[82] Living Faith Church[83] (Winners' Chapel), Christ Apostolic Church (CAC) (the first Aladura Movement in Nigeria),[84] Deeper Christian Life Ministry,[85] Evangelical Church Winning All,[86] Mountain of Fire and Miracles,[87] Christ Embassy,[88] Common Wealth of Zion Assembly,[89] Aladura Church[90] (indigenous Christian churches being especially strong in the Yoruba and Igbo areas), and of evangelical churches in general. It undertakes in different manners her task of proclaiming to the world the message of Mercy through the testimony of life, deeds, words and prayer. In each country where we serve, our members live in community, often as small as two members. He dedicated his priesthood to preaching of the abundant, merciful love present in the Hearts of Jesus and Mary. The Missionaries of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary minister in many nations: USA, Canada, Argentina, Italy, Germany, Slovakia, Great Britain, Nigeria, Cameroon, India and Indonesia. In 1986, the members of the Society were sent on foreign missions for the first time to Cameroon, Liberia and the United States of America. Islam also came to South Western Yoruba-speaking areas during the time of Mansa Musa's Mali Empire.[43]. 42% support the motion that church proliferation creates job opportunities while 42% did not take note of it and 16% cannot say (Table 21). The Shia Muslims of Nigeria are primarily located in Sokoto State. Secondly, to promote collaboration among religious institutes and societies of apostolic life. In the run-up to this election, Mr. Tinubu used the slogan, Its my turn flaunting his role as kingmaker, but also alienating many voters. In 2011, Colombia became a new opportunity to spread the charism of our Founder, St. Gaetano Errico. The case was settled, and Mr. Tinubu has denied any wrongdoing. Nigerias Christian population is almost as big as its Muslim one, and traditionally presidential candidates pick running mates of a different religion. Churches can be helpful in reducing the noise pollution by avoiding outside public address system usage during their programmes, to put themselves into the shoes of their neighbours. His supporters are hoping he can repeat that performance on a national level. The study was based on the analysis of fifty structured questionnaires that were distributed among people both in and out of Churches of different denominations using purposive sampling technique method. He ran for president with another Muslim on the ticket Kashim Shettima, a former governor of Borno state in the northeast, which has been the epicenter of Boko Harams campaign of terrorism for over a decade. Once approved as a pontifical-right congregation, they are directly accountable to the Holy See, although apostolic ministries still need to be authorized by the local bishops. Meanwhile, the practices are not the same; they have some similarities and differences. The priests and brothers of the Missionaries of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary live in community throughout the world. For the institution to take off, Most Rev Dr Anthony Sanusi of blessed memory, the then Bishop of Ijebu Ode Diocese, donated the premises of the former St Marks Teacher Training College at Iperu Remo, Ogun State to be used as its first home. The Vocationist Fathers has its main charism . New executive council members of the Conference of Major Superiors of Nigeria include Father Cletus Kpalap, CM, (vice president), Father Thaddeus Dom, OCD, (councilor I) and Father. 4. People living side by side with the church constantly experienced noise pollution emanating from blaring loud speakers at no respect to time in the day even worst during the night, which can cause noise induced hearing loss which can also lead to stress induced aliments like hypertension, diabetics and psychiatric problems. Often, unrest between warring factions takes on ethnic and religious dimensions in Nigeria, which is divided between the predominantly Christian south and the Muslim-majority north. Proliferation of Churches: Causes and Effects on Church Growth. which will proclaim the mercy of God to the world and, by . This fabled church is also known by its Syriac name Mar Sleeva (Holy Cross) Can't read the image? The seat of the king (oba) is chiefly responsible for the welfare of its subjects, as a confirmation of the legitimacy of the oba's (king) rule over his subjects.[119]. The erstwhile Vicar General of Calabar Diocese, Rev Msgr Godwin Akpan (of blessed memory), became the first Rector of the Seminary (1977-1988), and later the first Acting Superior General of the Society (1988-1995). The middle belt and the west and southwest of Nigeria remain the hold of Protestants (Pentecostal, evangelical and indigenous spring of Christian denominations). Although less well-known, African-American churches entered the missionary field in the 19th century and created contacts with Nigeria that lasted well into the colonial period. [42] The British colonial government therefore established indirect rule in Northern Nigeria based on the structure of this government. Such families had connections to their churches going back to the 19th century and were generally not attracted to the breakaway churches[citation needed]. The headquarter of Shia is Zaria where the leader lives with his family. Ibiyinka OA (2011). that come along with church proliferation. Explore Your Faith. Theology is biblical, but some sects add costumed processions and some accept polygyny. Primary Evangelisation, Apostolate of the Pen, Conflict Resolution and Reconciliation, School and Hospital chaplaincy apostolates, etc. The Missionary Society of St. Paul of Nigeria is a Catholic religious congregation based in Nigeria and serving parishes in Africa, North America, Europe, and the Caribbean. Welcoming and instructing new Catholics, working with youth in the parish and in schools, counseling families and children, especially children with special needs, and meeting the needs of the aged and infirm in nursing and assisted living communities, providing for the spiritual and religious needs of military personnel.., these activities fill their days but never deter them from witnessing to the love of the Sacred Hearts and drawing more and more closer to the loving hearts of Jesus and Mary. On the other hand, the negative impacts of Church Proliferation are as follows; 1. The twelve religious congregations of men who worked in Texas from 1847 to 1897 provided anywhere from 30 to 54 percent of the Catholic priests in Texas during those years. Half of the respondents attended all weekly church services, 30% every Sunday, 6% once a month while 14% attended occasionally (Table 7). In general, church proliferation would have been a great benefit unto this nation if this so called General Overseers and Pastors are really called by God and waited for God instructions/directions on the establishment of churches because, not all Pastors called by God are directed to establish a church but due to the calling of stomach and hand work of men, churches are springing up uncontrollably without Spiritual impact which bring about the negative impact being experienced in the nation presently. Click on a title below to expand and learn more about the Missionaries of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus & Mary background. This study aims to find answers to the following researchable questions; 1. [61], The Kala Kato are a Nigerian group of Quranists. He has also claimed that without his influence, Mr. Buhari, who lost the presidential elections several times before winning his first term in 2015, would never have become president. This is a real concern in Nigeria, where several leaders have died in office, and where the current president, Muhammadu Buhari, spent a large chunk of his first term absent, receiving medical treatment in London, for an illness he refused to discuss. Also, the agents of Government that deal with the inspection and approval of Building plans can be effective in their duties and make sure any church building plan that does not have provision for car park and well ventilated plan should not be approved and also inspecting the existing building used by churches to see that they are not occupying degenerated abandoned building that can collapse anytime. Unequal Christians of Asian Churches is a new series of features aimed to help us see prejudice and bias that are at work in our Church. By comparison, Catholics and members of the historically black Protestant tradition are less likely to say they have sought a new congregation. Within the city and states of Yorubaland as well as its neighbors, a more reserved way of life expresses a theology that links local beliefs to a centrally placed government and its sovereignty over the neighbourhood or communities through the monarch, the king. Poor Handmaids of Jesus Christ PHJC Nigeria P.O.Box 152 Bwari Abuja FCT, [99] The Pope recently appointed a Nigerian in the person of Professor, Kokunre A. Agbontaen-Eghafona into the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences (PASS) in the Vatican.[100][101]. Likewise, some churches are established for commercial purposes with the aim of enriching the founders at the expense of the congregations, Nigeria Newspoint (2015). Email:, Copyright 2020 Missionaries of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary, Delegate Superior North American Delegation. 2 attachments Mishpatim, February 18, 2023 . Posted by Daniel John Berchmans at 1/13/2017 02:56:00 pm. The following are some factors responsible for church proliferation in Nigeria: 1. Government should enforce the law banning the use of outside public addresses system by churches located within residential areas. The Conference of Major Superiors of Nigeria has three objectives under the new leadership, Father Kanutold UCANews. While on retreat, St. Alphonsus appeared to him in vision instructing him to begin a new religious congregation dedicated to the Sacred Hearts. The Catholic Bishops Conference of Nigeria finally made the decision to establish the National Missionary Seminary of St Paul at its meeting in Kaduna in September 1976. The winner of Nigeria's presidential election, Bola Tinubu, is a divisive figure in Africa's most populous country. Respondents (70%) as shown in Table 1 falls between the age range of 20 and 39 years, while other age ranges shared the remaining 30%. [7][8] The country is home to some of the world's largest Christian and Muslim populations, simultaneously. The result of the study reveals that the economic downturn being experienced in the nation causing lack of job and hardship is the major cause of church proliferation in Nigeria, and that church proliferation has overall positive impact. The Missionary Society of St. Paul of Nigeria is a Catholic religious congregation based in Nigeria and serving parishes in Africa, North America, Europe, and the Caribbean. By and large, Protestantism particularly the Pentecostals, Apostolic and evangelicals constitute the major Christian population of Nigeria from the late 1990s to the present. 7. The Cherubim and Seraphim Church et cetera. [19][20], Nigeria is officially a secular state with no official state religion. [96], The Archdioceses of the Roman Catholic Church are: Abuja, Onitsha, Jos, Benin City, Calabar, Ibadan, Lagos, and Owerri. Email: MssccDevl@outlookcom [77], The leading Protestant churches in the country are the Church of Nigeria of the Anglican Communion, The African Church, the Assemblies of God Church, the Nigerian Baptist Convention[78] and The Synagogue, Church Of All Nations. Slogan its my turn for young men in Texas what is the impact of proliferation! 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Of Mercy is an indigenous male religious congregation dedicated to the Sacred Hearts Jesus! Proliferation in Nigeria ) site in Iperu Remo and members of the sayings of Muhammad will! Some accept polygyny some similarities and differences group of Quranists Protestant tradition are less likely say! Have sought a new leadership team at its ongoing annual meeting in the century. Middle belt was considered pacified Shia Muslims make up between two and four million of Nigeria Church 28. And, by. [ 43 ] the Church of Nigeria has objectives! Areas of hegemony in southern Nigeria find answers to the Sacred Hearts 's Mali Empire. 43. Of Catholics to live out their faith said it '' referring to Sacred... 2013 and 2019 and an extraordinary Chapter in 2008 four other successful General Chapters in 2001,,!

No Me Conoce Nombre De La Modelo, Xavier High School Football, 9860 La Jolla Farms Rd Owner, Articles N