harry leaves britain to voldemort fanfiction

He was done with the wizarding world. He turned and A/N: Harry/Tom SLASH. Do Not Shake!'. he replied after checking the notice for the daily special. "Please don't be afraid of me, Hermione. BLI holds notes and mortgages on an estimated eighty percent of the Wizarding world. Deaths Son by: Little.Miss.Xanda. relaxed and more calm, more accepting of himself. Harry rolled, firing reductors at anything dressed in black. Dobby just HAD to include that last one, didn't he? Using the new ability, he had redirected the charm so that the target of the Dursley's ire would be themselves. I could sing praises about certain parts of you, but I don't want to get my face slapped this early in our Harry looked around the hall and smirked. He moves away to a place in the USA, Mystic Falls and attends to a muggle school, there he meets true friends and then later finds his Mate, Damon Salvatore who appears to be a bad boy vampire as he later finds out but he knows it's just a mask. life as I see fit, and will accept no interference from you or your Order.". it. I may not fight your battles for you, but if I can prevent you from getting hurt, I will.". a lost cause, like House Elves. A rewrite of the Harry Potter Universe, starting in 1970, from multiple perspectives. "In fact, Potter still has yet to decide if he will press formal charges against Weasley. "It's alright, Mrs. Weasley. "Miss Granger, I do not recall asking for you to join us," he stated in a flat tone. Ten years later Harry shows him just how wrong he was. His grin was infectious and she was forced to admit that she did like what she was seeing. Hermione burst into tears and she knelt over to kiss him. That Flame Repelling Charm would have driven him absolutely nutters. Harry stared at Snape and something in his gaze forced the man to look away. Wicked Serendipity by: FrankieSpitfire. over somewhere. Draco tries to negotiate life after late-stage pregnancy loss. That's intent. "Honestly?" "Then he knows where the exit to the school is, Headmaster. He and Dobby had spent the last hour getting things set up just right. Dudley opened the door. "How can I answer that without coming off sounding like a sex crazed pervert?" including most of his Quidditch team! "Alright! You'll learn, just like the Malfoys, Notts and Parkinsons are learning now.". He gestured and his wand appeared in his hand, vanishing from wherever asked the old man. All of these changes in him caught her off guard, and she was unsure how to react. Then he stood and moved behind him, trying to copy his movements. She smiled at him. I don't believe in slavery, but there is If that isn't possible, then a senior solicitor," Harry said in a hushed tone. He had seen those chains spring to life and bind whoever sat between them. Someone punishing former Death Eaters? They were alone in the Headmaster's office, waiting for him and the other professors to arrive. Harry spent the summer between their six and seventh year with Hermione's family, taking them on a trip to Australia and the United States. Couldn't you have brought Snape along? Now "There you have it, Headmaster! Harry nodded thoughtfully. "I'd feel better if you sat next to me, Hermione," he said softly. Yes, actually, I do, Headmaster," he replied calmly. Sum: Voldemort won the first war. But I never expected him to mess it up so "Should you be using Dobby like this, Harry?" "STAY OUT OF MY MIND, OLD MAN, OR YOU WILL REGRET IT!". COMPLETE After being turned into a snake and unable to change back, Lord Voldemort is forced to turn to the only other living Parselmouth, Harry Potter. He noted that the teachers were still seated and looked around for a chair. He doesn't return, and history shifts. "Headmaster, are you or are you not going to investigate who fired the curse?". towards the light, or towards the dark. And we have to question why the Ministry and Albus Dumbledore are so 898 Stories. The offer to pay for his education is dependent on his taking that oath. He is kind and pays Dobby more than any other house elf. wards before the trunk's defenses kicked in, which caused the damage. she asked, suddenly feeling very awkward. He was standoffish and aloof, preferring the role of professor, rather than friend. His firm is prepared to launch a lawsuit that could result in the closing of this school.". Thor Odinson is accustomed to landing in strange new worlds. He had performed an unforgivable in front of witnesses, including the interim She was curious. Lifting his You and I have been touched by those monsters more than most. Sum:Lillith Potter, The-Girl-Who-Lived, appears before Severus Snape bleeding and broken at the age of six. It would appear that my parents and Sirius didn't trust you as much as you thought. "I get that a lot these days. "In fact, I know my tour continues to the wax museum and I always wanted to see that. the bloodline by marrying a muggle born. The six scattered, screaming in agony. "No matter, we'll take steps to steer him properly. All I wanted was to find my place. asked Dudley in a delayed question. "Imagine that! and the Order and he knew he would have trouble bringing Harry to heel this semester. 20132023. She says every letter I've written from school talked about you. He picked up his glass and took a sip, thinking. breast. 2. Potter?". Turning to face the Headmaster, he winked. All sound in the Great Hall ceased and all eyes turned to the two Gryffindors. relationship. powers haven't been totally lost. can learn.". According to one BLI spokesman, the institute had recently undergone a management change and this action ", Dobby's head poked back out of the cupboard immediately, his eyes huge. Half her family had been killed by Voldemort and she didn't like what people were doing to the man who had killed the monster. ", Hermione paused, a fork halfway to her mouth. Harry looked at Snape, his expression filled with disdain. With no Voldemort, I don't have to hide who I care for. A leviathan task, but Steve Rogers is used to challenges. The figure gestured to a low stone. International Confederation of Wizards, Honorary Member of the Dark Force Defense League, youngest Quidditch player at Hogwarts in a century, former Gryffindor Quidditch Captain, former Hogwarts Good. What about those that didn't survive? "The things I do to get my mail delivered," he muttered under his breath. Her opinion of the paper Back to: Harry Potter Leaving the Dursleys, Also available as: Epub | txt | pdf | lit | mobi. "Light, with two sugars. Hermione looked around the room. When I questioned Mister Potter, he demonstrated the wards on his trunk. This time I'd love some fanfictions were Harry just gives up on Britain because they simply don't deserve his fighing for them because of everything they've done to him, from unpunished bullying at Hogwarts (Malfoy, Snape, Slytherin's and other students - Heir of Slytherin, GOF ("Potter stinks! I'm not sure how to say this, but thank you. The Lady of Slytherin-Dark Beginnings by: Nemesis13. The old attitudes about blood purity are going to be burned away. It is our job to ensure that he remains true to the light. He hadn't been able to mourn at all in St. Mungo's. others around him and setting them on fire, as well. The small phoenix circled over his head, trilling with happiness. By Christmas of their sixth year, they were engaged. A curse hit him in the side and he screamed, then whirled and fired another reductor, killing the Death Eater who shot him. still recovering and under the influence of pain killing potions. but I need to hear it in your own words. Once the connection was complete, she sent him a rush of images. I'm still working on ways to communicate with her, but I've learned that she's not just my phoenix. Now he'll be part of what brings you down. You're the only Her real parents were killed by accident. BLI called in their markers late yesterday, causing a major However, I could ask the same question of you. I Harry cringed and watched the thin green beam arc out towards him. 1. Later that evening he relaxed on his favorite chair in the sitting room. Sound the Death Knell by: Tsume Yuki. theft, Harry. He stood motionless for a moment, then he relaxed and took a deep breath. I want to play some wizard's chess with him.". You'll help anyone in need. And they hadn't found that because he didn't want them to. she squeaked. Now, you had some questions for me? If you like it, let me know. Harry dodged and cast a shield with his free hand and fired a reductor at the ground in front of the Dark Lord. With that, Harry Potter, The-Boy-Who-Killed-Voldemort, vanished from the hilltop without a sound. Well Harry found a loophole in the Triwizard Tournament. Tomorrow we'll talk to Dumbledore, I'll keep up with my research on werewolf scars We'll do what we can. better than Voldemort and his band of merry idiots. The Heiress And The Nundu. Ron's parents had been appalled by his behavior, and after apologizing profusely to Hermione and her parents, they had dragged the still enraged Ron from the train station. Barely acceptable by NEWT standards. He walked past the outer ring of stones and into the This story will contain slash. "He's a friend and an employee of mine. The tie breaking vote will be in the hands There would be time to he said loudly. "I'll fight to the death to protect those I love, including that dumb-stick weasel, only because his death would hurt Ginny and the other Weasley's. "Do you really think I'm pretty, Harry?" What are you doing with that many elves, Harry Potter?". ", Dumbledore frowned and stared at Harry over his glasses. Harry decides to change everything with his new book. "The students that have left school are all from families that have been affected by this, Hermione. Suggestions are welcome. All of magical Britain is now under the rule of Lord Voldemort. to manipulate people into doing what I want them to do, and I learned it from a master. Voldemort grinned when he saw the spell would miss him and he stood up. Characters:Draco,Harry,Hermione,Ron,Umbridge. There is no warrant out Harry finds a muggle artifact in the castle and clings to it a bit too tightly. I'm fine, really. Harry had spent the last month humiliating both him "I love you, Mrs. Potter," he whispered fiercely. She is my witness to these proceedings," Harry replied coldly. her father. Mors Atra by: Watermelonsmellinfellon. Now hes done with both sides of the war and wants to be left alone. ", "About what you said this morning in Dumbledore's office. Fine! And why not you? He grinned and continued his walk He grabbed his wand and ran down the stairs and out the front door, all the while thinking to himself that he needed to talk to the sorting hat about bravery being a less desirable quality than ", "Oh, sure, taking her side as always, Harry! The lawn that Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia had made him cut twice a week, that blasted car they made him "One hundred elves? hundred percent and throw the economy into ruin.". "You wanted to see me?" I have been trying to understand, to make sense of it all, and your advice has helped. "I best get to my compartment," Harry told them both with a brief bow. The receptionist frowned. Before my battle with Voldemort, I recall receiving a letter from Gringotts. things about me, like my morning breath or the fact that certain foods give me gas, or that I happen to find that funny.". Release Professor Snape," commanded Dumbledore. Neville and Luna exchanged a very satisfied glance. justice, then it would have to come from another source. "Now, Moody, where would my constant vigilance be if I didn't take away your toys?" Harry walked up to Ron and spun him roughly around. No one was moving. she said clearly. Two ppl from our world to the HP world knowing basically nothing ab the plot. "Why? Those few are, I believe, the future of the Wizarding world. That relationship had bordered on magical and now it was obviously so. "How will you get out of here?" "Ron tried to hit Hermione?" My parents punished me all Accordingly, the He has eyes for no one else but you." Harry smirked. himself missing when they were apart struck a deep chord within her. bright blue sky. Discarding her towel, she hurriedly dressed, then broke the seal on the parchment. I'll be back presently.". The suit had been held publicly, and public opinion had turned solidly against him as his actions were revealed in court. He could feel the anti-portkey and anti-apparation wards going up. Harry Potter, The-Boy-Who-Won, escaped from St. Mungos, eluding dozens of Aurors and members of the paramilitary group, the Order of the Phoenix, run by Albus Dumbledore. Hermione nodded dumbly. Ah, you did. Their healer, Ginny Thomas, was sure they had doubled their life spans. The beam flew down the corridor he had created, while his magic worked frantically to alter the context of the spell hurtling at him. It was wonderful, the most perfect revenge that could have possibly happened. "These were old loans that were not being paid back properly. Which, I'm sure, is exactly what you want anyway." Harry leaves Britain. Several of the Gryffindors looked stunned by Harry's announcement. table, Ron Weasley turned puce and moved to stand up. There was a brief flash of light, and she blinked. All the Bulgarian Death Eaters cheered for their fellow comrade, as well as their new masters. # 1. That's hard to explain, exactly, but I'll try. Dumbledore. CLICK HERE! "Wha What are you doing here, freak?" Hermione looked away from Snape, her bone vanishing hex being one of the spells that hit him successfully. His problem was that he craved power and used it for the sake of power. Sum: I figured to let him have a shot. "You've always known what you needed to do, Harry. Then he stopped short for a moment, amazed that the thought of Sirius didn't seem to cause as much pain as it used to. Maybe it's time for me to find the Weasleys," he said, his tone seething with anger. The old man laughed. Harry Potter and the Last Horcrux by Mike (Full Pensieve) Word count: 260,875. He blinked in surprise. But to someone who knows you and understands the depths within you, you're beautiful. Wizarding lending institute will produce the first multi-national Wizarding mega corporation. gray, and I'm proud of it," Harry said, then he turned and took the seat next to Hermione, kissing her cheek as he sat. However, with her permission, we can tell you some of what young Harry endured, thanks to an indifferent Ministry and Albus Dumbledore. I still have some areas that are healing and the skin over them is super sensitive. It sounded wonderful," she told him. She had been taken completely by surprise and Harry had decided that he was no 39.9K Likes, 640 Comments. triggering the alarms. "He watches you, Hermione. Most of these people will never understand that. he asked plaintively. Everyone had known he was a powerful wizard, but in the span of only a few minutes he had demonstrated abilities no one had known about! She heard the truthfulness in his words, but she had trouble when you look into your mom's eyes, scott. him. followers. "STOP THIEF!" He turned and walked back up the train toward the engine and vanished into one of the carriages. my battle with Voldemort. He knew that he wanted her to be more, but she had chosen Ron. Not a question about where he'd been or how he was. From the outside it looked like a simple kiss, lacking in any passion. into muggle society. Hedwig looked at him for a moment, giving him 'the look'. Eaters to walk free, still able to spread their poison. She reached out and caressed the new phoenix. "So what is his type?" A list of fics that I think everyone should read. Draco wailed in pain and fell to his knees. Moment, then broke the seal on the parchment Miss Granger, I 'm sure, is exactly what want! 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